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School Readiness Screening

Huge thanks to the team from Uni of Melbourne Audiology and Physiotherapy who conducted hearing and large motor skills screening of pre-school age children from across the Bayside area on 14th September. The hearing screening project, organised by Hampton Rotary with the support of Bayside City Council and held at Hampton Primary School, has been very popular and running for a number of years, and now also includes Large Motor Skills Screening as well.

The results indicate how important projects such as this are, with 37% of the children screened for hearing at this latest session now referred to have follow-ups with their family doctor or specialist audiologist. The physiotherapy results indicated that 98% of the children were at standard or above with their gross motor skills development.

It was great for parents of children soon to start school to get feedback on their hearing and large motor skills development, ensuring they are ready to start school.

This project also provides valuable clinical practice experience for the audiology and physiotherapy students from Uni of Melb as well, who are supported onsite by their clinical mangers - thank you to all the Uni of Melb teams who participated in this project. We’d also like to thank Bayside City Council for their support, and Hampton Primary for making available their school premises for the day. Finally, a special thanks to Hampton Rotary Club members who volunteered and helped out on the day as well…and a very special thanks to Marie Arendsen for project managing this very important project.

We will be holding further screening sessions next year, and will advise when dates become available.

Click HERE for more information about this highly successful program.

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