From the President
The club’s speaker program recommenced this month with John Barnes from the Rotary Club of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale discussing the district Foundation Annual Programs. Foundation provides a funding channel for club projects. We are developing the future speakers’ program - no doubt COVID vaccines will be on the agenda.
The club’s forum on the 16th of February is an opportunity for us to check how we are going and share ideas on future fundraising and grants program. We will be meeting via zoom over the next couple of months but getting together in person for our monthly social activity.
I am looking forward to celebrating the club’s 25th birthday at the end of this month – fingers crossed we will be able to go ahead under government restrictions.
Recent Events
Back-to-School Supplies for Primary School Children
Backpacks filled with back-to-school supplies were donated to Family Life who will distribute them to local primary school children in need before they head back to school for the start of the 2021 year. The Club would like to extend a big thanks to Officeworks Highett who generously provided the stationery items to also support this project which helps local families.
Bowls Night Tuesday 19th January
Hampton Rotary is off to a swinging start for 2021. Our first meeting started with a BBQ and lots of convivial discussions. Then the lawn bowls competition started! The competition on the first green was fierce whilst on the second green the novices were laughing watching the bowls going in unexpected directions.
A great night to start the year.
Bayside Farmers’ Market – Saturday 23rd January
This month’s market proved to be a stunning day - sunny conditions and excellent participation, certainly up on the boxing day market. We had a full complement of stall holders and musical entertainment.
Thank you for the generous support of volunteers this month from Lions Club of Sandringham and their great work in assisting with so many of the tasks in setting up and running the market.
We also had Ben Gawley volunteer, he was looking for some experience with Rotary events and is hoping to go to RYLA, sponsored by Rotary Club of Brighton.
Club Meeting – Tuesday 9th February Guest Speaker
The club was fortunate to have as its guest speaker, Rotarian John Barnes who currently, and for several years, has held the position of Annual Programs Fund Coordinator for our District 9810. John is member of RC of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale joining initially in 1979. He has held most positions at Club level, in addition to Assistant Governor in 2005/06 and 2006/07 and District Governor for 9810 in 2008/09. John is a Director of Rotary Foundation Australia Ltd and an Interplast Company Member. John’s presentation focussed on ‘The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Programs Fund’ however, initially, he provided an overview of the various funds managed by The Rotary Foundation including the Annual Programs Fund, Polio Plus, the Centurion Club, Paul Harris Society and the Benefactor/Bequest Society.
The Foundation is Rotary’s charity and provides the source of funding for many of Rotary’s benevolent activities. The Annual Programs Fund supports our District’s capacity to fund Global Grants and District Grants which depend upon the extent of clubs’ generosity in supporting this Fund. 50% of funds donated by the District Clubs are returned to our District after a three-year investment cycle and allocated as Grants to support club projects. Each Club is expected to make a pledge to endeavour to contribute a nominated amount annually. Projects which can be supported by District and Global Fund Grants can be associated with domestic or international activities.
Annual Programs are also supported by Individual Contributions from Rotarians or Non-Rotarian Supporters through the Centurion Club. The Club requests Donations of $100 or more if possible and are a tax deductable. The donations from members and supporters are associated with the relevant club and flow on to the Annual Programs Fund and allocated to support the ongoing humanitarian work of the Rotary Foundation. Again 50% of donated funds are returned to D9810 after a three-year investment cycle, to be used as project grant funding.
Club Projects
Youth Mental Health First Aid course - first dates for March 2021
The Club’s partnership with the Rotary Club of Brighton North to develop programs which improve youth mental health has now kicked-off with the launch of the first Youth Mental Health First Aid course for this year. This course is for ADULTS who work with youth, such as teachers, school wellbeing officers, sports coaches, community group leaders, youth leaders, and the police.
In this course, adults learn how to assist adolescents who are developing a mental illness, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.
This course runs over 2 days and is scheduled for Friday 19th and Friday 26th of March, at the Beaumaris Community Centre. Full details about the course, with registration details, and now available at the website link: https://youthsuicideawareness.com.au/training/
For more details about the course and this youth project, please contact: Christine Lindsey, Chair - Youth Committee Email: christine.lindsey@gmail.com Tel: 04219 16520
Upcoming Club Meeting/Events
Club Meetings Still Online – ZOOM-in to get the latest updates
Here is the dedicated link to join ANY of the Hampton Rotary Zoom Meetings (it will be the same for each meeting). The meetings commence at 7:00PM and to join the meeting click this link from 6:50PM.
You can also refer to our website for further updates on the upcoming meeting program: https://hamptonrotary.org.au/all-events
Club Meeting – Tuesday 16th February – Club Forum
Zoom log-in details for the meeting are on our website at: https://hamptonrotary.org.au/meetings
Club 25th Birthday Celebration – Saturday 20th February
Bayside Farmers’ Market – Saturday 27th February
Our next Farmers’ Market is on the fourth Saturday – 27th February - another great chance to pick up some farm fresh produce and gourmet goodies
Board Meeting – Tuesday 2nd March
This is a Board Meeting only and Board Members only are to attend.
Club Meeting – Tuesday 9th March - Annual General Meeting
Zoom log-in details for the meeting are on our website at: https://hamptonrotary.org.au/meetings
District Rotary News
Mad March Cycle Challenge - Ride for Medical Research - March 1st to 31st 2021 Ride, run, walk or swim to Make A Difference.
Every year the last 35 years a bike ride around the Victorian countryside, raising funds for the important medical research supported by Australian Rotary Health, has been part of our district’s calendar.
This year, due to continuing restrictions on the ability to gather and travel as a group, the event will be a do-it-yourself event to raise funds for Australian Rotary Health - Donations are tax deductible.
Register Here