President’s Message

These days, with the ‘lock down’, just as web meetings are our new normal “off to work” means rolling out of bed, ambling over to a kitchen table or office desk and starting up the laptop – no commuting and no dressing up in formal work clothes. This may probably be the emerging face of work in the 21st century, and most certainly is in the present COVID-19 situation.

With the spread of the virus, the expected gradual rise of ‘remote work’ has suddenly spurted. Though institutions and organisations have shut down, the need for economic activity and productivity continues.

Let us consider the positives.


Some recent studies have supported the idea that working from home for the right profession (and sectors) can increase productivity and decrease stress. A few studies also indicate that one’s success in working from home might depend on the type of work one does.

When it comes to a company’s ‘work from home’ policy, everyone is different. One’s productivity and overall success as someone who works remotely depends entirely on his/her preferred work style.

Working from home has its own benefits for employees, as well as, for the employers e.g. telecommuting can limit absences, increase productivity, and save expense and money. For the employee, the system will help in saving money on transport and fuel, as also, give more free time, quality ‘me time’, which can be utilised to build healthier lifestyles and exercise habits, eating healthy and striking a manageable work-life balance, family bonding, pursuing hobbies, etc.

Working from home affords flexibility, but it also demands a lot in return. It requires self-motivation, self-discipline, focus, concentration, and organisation.

April Update

Club Members Lindsay Morgan and Jennifer Newton Represent Rotary Club of Hampton To Support 2020 Australian Rotary Health’s Ride for Medical Research

This year’s Australian Rotary Health’s Ride for Medical Research, organized by the Rotary clubs of Boronia and Healesville in our Rotary District, was held in early March, with funds raised directed in support of the “Rob Henry Memorial PHD Scholarship” for Cancer Research. A big thank you to Club Members Lindsay Morgan and Jennifer Newton who joined the ride group this year as support drivers and assisted the teams over their 540km ride over 6 days.

Australian Rotary Health is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia. In addition to mental health research, they also provide funding over a broad range of general health areas, provide scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Rotary District 9810 has contributed over $2.8m since allocated grants commenced in 1985, of which the ride has contributed in excess of $1.1m and this year’s ride participants helped to raise $49,000.

The 2020 ride – a Silos, Plains, Lakes & Art Tour.
The actual bicycling distance this year was approximately 540km with the tour itinerary covering some wonderful scenery over the 6 day tour:
Day 1 - Lake Bolac to Halls Gap (O/nite Horsham)
Day 2 - Murtoa to Brim (O/nite Horsham)
Day 3 - Patchewollock to Rosebery (O/nite Horsham)
Day 4 - Horsham to Ararat (O/nite Ararat)
Day 5 - Ararat to Lake Learmonth (O/nite Ballarat)
Day 6 - Ballarat to Daylesford.

This year there were 3 ride groups, with a maximum of 10 to 15 riders in each, grouped according to fitness and experience levels. The ride was structured so that everyone came together as a large group at lunch each day and support vehicles were made available if riders found the distances or the terrain too challenging and needed a rest for part of the distance. 

Hampton Club representatives
Jennifer Newton and Lindsay Morgan were support drivers, as well as First Aiders, and were sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hampton with a contribution of $2,000. Jenny has been involved in this ride for many years but for Lindsay, this was a first. They were assigned to support the slower ride group – Green Team – and really enjoyed the experience as well as bonding with their team. Jenny was a lead driver controlling a group and doing all the navigation (on sealed back roads throughout). Lindsay was a following driver until the Team split, when he took on the lead of the back group, as well as transport roustabout. There was a bike trailer unit at the back, picking people up and most of the day was spent on VHF radios and all 3 vehicles used hazard flashers.

An incident on the final stretch – and some learning
On the final day, some 30 km’s from the end, the Green Team sustained an unfortunate downhill collision between 2 participants travelling about 40 kmph.  Fortunately this was near the top of the downhill run but was in a remote area, where there was no telephone reception.
Jen Newton used the Vic Emergency App (Emergency+) which enabled satellite connection with 000, and also gives a position reading in Latitude and Longitude for the operator to locate the scene quickly and accurately.  When in the country it is hard to remember even seeing the nearest cross-roads, much less being able to look up maps when under stress. This app was a Godsend in this situation - 2 ambulances were dispatched to the location and arrived within 20 minutes.  Our team provided first aid, along with a passing local ambulance driver, and also traffic control until their arrival. (Jen encourages all RCOH members to download the free app Emergency+ which is invaluable in an emergency).

Both riders were transferred to Ballarat Base Hospital, one discharged that evening, and the other transferred to Royal Melbourne Hospital for further evaluation and discharged the following day.  It was a relief to report that both riders suffered minimal long-term injuries.
What an eventful trip! There seem to be lots of other behind-the scenes stories to tell when you hear that Jenny got a Spitting the Dummy award and Lindsay a Driver of the Day award and a Dead Chicken award for taking on a b-double! Also, Lindsay had to take one other Rotarian to the Emergency Department in Horsham for a concussion clearance.

All in all this was a great experience and Lindsay and Jennifer as well as the Rotary organisers want to pass on their thanks to the Rotary Club of Hampton for their support this year.

Club Member Rhonda Pincott Shares Her Personal Story of Quarantine In the New World of COVID-19

After 19 days of self-isolation – 14 for me after returning from a 50-day trip to Bali added to by my daughter Tess’s return from Spain……

Biggest concerns/ Life’s major questions during self-isolation………
Would Tess actually make it back from Spain given Etihad cancelled her flight 24 hours prior to departure?
Would family members remember to feed me?
Should I say something when my clothes are returned to me washed but not ironed?
If I haven’t brushed my teeth before a Zoom class will anyone notice?
During zoom sessions with other Psychics will anyone ‘see’ that I have my pyjama bottoms on?
Will the airline companies refund all the money they owe the family, or should we take the credit and pretend things will be back to normal in three months?

Some realisations during, and post, self-isolation
Zoom may actually be the best thing since sliced bread;
Apparently the Corona virus can be cured by toilet paper - but is spread by eye contact which is why no-one will look you in the eye while shopping at the supermarket (it’s funny that to buy something to cure a virus you have to enter a place where you can catch it!);
Discipline is still a good thing – every morning it is important to still get out of bed – even if it is just to go to the toilet;
Isolation like any significant change brings out the best in some and the worst in others;
Apparently, according to rumours, there will be a lot of single men when this is all over!
Some people are discovering their natural hair colour for the first time in years;
It is ok to have sixteen things on the go – artwork, beading, 5 books and 4 online courses while also enjoying 5 Netflix series;
If you didn’t have mental health issues prior you will have if you watch all ten of the 10 most watched series on Netflix;

It is also ok to have been in isolation for 19 days and NOT have cleaned out the one cupboard located in the bedroom in which you are isolated;
It takes a Pandemic to get my children to do yoga!

Life lessons/silver linings during this period
Australia is truly the lucky country – alcohol is considered an essential service;
The sun still rises every morning even when you can’t see it - sometimes that’s a choice;
Viktor Frankel was right - our attitude is the last of the human freedoms;
When Police come to the house to check-up on you it’s best not to look too happy – they may question what you have been ingesting!
You know you live in a wonderful area when an 82 year old neighbour buys a pack of toilet paper but feels she only needs one roll so she drops the rest of the pack at your gate with a message to say she knows if you don’t need them you will pass them on to someone who does. This is further reinforced when another neighbour sends you a video of their four year-old son riding their bike for the first time without training wheels!

My daughter Jane must have had an amazing mother to be such a wonderful daughter for without her feeding me I would have literally starved!!

Thanks Rhonda, for sharing this wonderful insight!

International Projects

Assessing the Potential for a Primary-School Hearing Testing Project in Tonga

The Rotary Club of Hampton’s Chairman for International Service Peter Read, recently visited Tonga to meet with officials from the Tonga Ministry of Health and community members, to discuss a new project the club is developing. The objective of the proposed project is to develop the capacity within Tonga’s health system, through the provision of training and specialist equipment, to undertake regular screening of the hearing of young children within the country.

It is intended that the initial training program will commence with 5-6 year-old children who have recently started Primary School. Following initial activities in Tongatapu, the main island in Tonga where there are 7000 children in this age group, it is expected that the program will be extended in subsequent years to other population centres in Tonga.

The project would also involve the active participation of the Rotary Club of Nuku’alofa which is the capital of Tonga, and the Audiology Department from Melbourne University, who have been working with the Rotary Club of Hampton for several years, supporting the screening of pre-school children in Hampton. The beneficiaries of the project, in addition to the children, will also be staff of the Tonga Ministry of Health, particularly the ENT Department of Vaiola Hospital and at the regional Community Health Centres.

The Rotary Club of Hampton hopes to attract the interest of other Rotary Clubs and other organisations, to join with us in delivering this highly beneficial project.

For further information please Contact Peter Read at:

Hampton Rotary Club Fundraising Events

Bayside Farmers’ Market –Suspended until further notice

Due to the current health advisory and our priority to safeguard the health and safety of our volunteers and the community at large, the Bayside Farmers’ Market has been suspended until further notice. This shall be reviewed again and updates to the upcoming market schedule shall be shared with all of you when available.

For more details about the market, check out the website at:

Upcoming Club Meetings & Events

Club Meetings and Events Suspended Until Further Notice

In the interests of the health and safety of our members, and in parallel with the current directive from the Rotary District Board, all upcoming events Hampton Rotary is involved with have been cancelled. The Hampton Rotary Board has also agreed that Club Meetings will be cancelled until further notice. This is a hard decision for us, and one that has not been taken lightly, but given the current health security situation, we agreed this was in the best interests of the health and safety of all our members. We’ll keep you updated and let you know when our program re-starts.

Please also refer to our website for further updates:

Check Out Bayside Business Network Events Online

The Rotary Club of Hampton is a corporate member of the Bayside Business Network (BBN), and Club Members can access the events and resources made available by BBN at membership rates. BBN are hosting a range of webinars and seminars online that may be of interest, especially to those of you who are running businesses and grappling with the challenges and complexities of today’s COVID-19 lockdown. Check out their website for more details:
Rotary District 9810 News

Rotary DG Family Project - Books-For-Kids Campaign Update

Rotary District 9810 together with Books in Homes, will provide books of choice to children living in the local communities of District 9810 in disadvantaged and low socio-economic circumstances, ensuring crucial early literacy engagement and the development of reading skills needed for lifelong achievement. 
District 9810 was awarded $10,000 from Ansvar Insurance as part of their Community Education Program grants scheme. With the contributions received from Rotary and Rotaract Clubs, the District has now raised nearly $30,000 which would allow the equivalent of 1,500 primary school children to receive 2 books of choice to keep.

Given the changed circumstances and schooling format from the COVID-19 virus, the book giving ceremonies at the Primary Schools will now be occurring in Terms 1, 2021…assuming of course that all schools are back to normal by then. Clubs will be notified when dates with the schools have been confirmed.

District 9810 Training Assembly – Online Alternative Available

The District 9810 Training Assembly, which was due to be held on the 24th May 2020 at Deakin University, has now been cancelled. However, although the physical event is not happening, there is an alternative online option available. Club office bearers and any other interested members can undertake the online learning modules in the RI Learning Centre relevant to their portfolio. From the week commencing 25th May, online Zoom-based workshops for each portfolio are available to consolidate learnings and share ideas and questions with your peer group across the District.

When you register for the event, you will be sent details of the online learning modules and will be followed up with details on the Zoom workshop.

More information available here:

New Members Always Welcome

New members are always welcome to the Rotary Club of Hampton. For more information about the Club, it’s projects, meetings and events, check out the website at:
Membership enquiries can be directed to:
Marie Arendsen

Thank You to Our Sponsor – Noel Susay, Buxton Hampton East

At this time, we ask that you remember and support our wonderful and generous sponsor, Noel Susay and his team at Buxton Hampton East, who have supported us financially over the past two years.  These are unprecedented times and we want to remember and give a shout-out to our loyal supporters such as Noel and his team.