Donations to BayCISS for Disadvantaged Men
Following discussions with Karyn Doyle, manager of BayCISS, the Club sourced toiletries and associated products for men who make use of the centre’s services. In all, 50 packs were sourced, assembled and packed into bright Christmas carry bags by Geoff & Prue Tickner.
All were delivered to BayCISS on 6th December.
BayCISS is the Bayside Community Information and Support Services organisation and assists people from the Bayside and Glen Eira Local Government areas.
The Club repeated the exercise it undertook last year which Karyn described as a huge success. The centre receives considerable help with donations of food, children’s toys and clothing, and women’s clothes and toiletries, BUT no toiletries for men.
Geoff Tickner and Karyn Doyle agreed on a list of suitable items which were purchased locally. The Club would like to acknowledge the support also of Simon Kenny Pharmacy who were exceedingly generous in their assistance.
This project has been part of our Club’s commitment to help support members of our local community, especially in these difficult times.